Over thinking is killing you

I’ve recently discovered Mooji, a Jamaican spiritual teacher who teaches people to live in the moment by not controlling everything around them in order to feel free. In this clip, “Stop thinking and just be” he says, “All the beings are so tired, tired. Mostly from mind, not from hard labor. Hard labor in the mind, thinking, thinking, peeling carrots in the mind. Forget about it.” I’ve listened to this clip a couple of times wondering what Mooji is trying to say. But I believe he’s telling us to stop letting our inner thoughts control us because they’re killing us inside. The sooner we start to silence our own inner demons than we can finally be free. However, I’m learning this process is not easy.

As I kid I’ve dealt with my learning disability. In middle school I failed many tests and doubted who I was as a person. I never got picked on by other kids but it wasn’t easy to cope with. One day in high school, I failed my Geometry test and I flipped out on the teacher because I really thought I was going to pass. She looked me and sent me to another room to cool off but I was still pissed off. Taking tests for me has never been easy. I’d look up study tips but none of them seemed to help. Now that I’m older I’ve realized it’s my own thoughts. Just like the ghetto boys, “My minds playing tricks on me”. I used to hate multiple choice because I’d blame the teacher for trying to trick me. I’d even go as far as saying that she/he wants me to fail. There against me but it’s not true. The truth it’s been me all along not believe in me.

Lastly, we as people have to learn not let our negative thoughts control us. We need to celebrate and pat ourselves on the back more for what we are doing currently. Being an over-thinker has led me to lose out on many opportunities constantly wondering, “What if?” instead of “Why not?” Now, I have changed my way of thinking and stopped downplaying how great of a person I am. I’m going to have downfalls but overthinking my existence is not beneficial to my health.

This is why each day I wake up at 6:00 a.m. to stretch, meditate and plan out my day for the first 30 minutes of my day. Before I go to bed, I write down my accomplishments and what I can improve on. I can say from my own experience that this has helped me out a lot. In order to control your own thoughts you have to be pro-active. Being pro-active allows you to come up with a plan on how to solve your problems instead of dwelling on them for days, weeks, months, or even years. Remember, your thoughts can only control you if you let them. Learn how to take control!

1 Comment

  1. This is so true, i too am a victim of overthinking. I like how you connected it to your personal life and what made you change your way of thinking. I love meditation as well, it’s so crucial especially with what’s happening in the world right now.


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